WEBINAR: Mild Cognitive Impairment and Neuropsychological Assessment

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Di 17.09.2024, 17:30–19:00

Nr. S-01-20-0164-1

2 Einheiten
€ 49,- mit BÖP-Mitgliedschaft
€ 60,- ohne BÖP-Mitgliedschaft
€ 49,- mit GNPÖ-Mitgliedschaft

Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie Österreich (GNPÖ)


Seminar content
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a condition that involves impairment of cognitive function beyond what is expected with normal aging. The condition is prevalent in old age and may be a risk factor for the development of dementia. However, MCI can have medical and psychological causes that do not cause further cognitive decline or dementia. Thus, it is important to identify MCI at an early stage aiming to prevent further impairment, to inform necessary life adaption to cognitive problems, or to treat the condition when the cause of cognitive impairment can be treated.


This presentation considers the various types of MCI, the key progression factors, the prevailing diagnostic systems, and algorithms focusing on the role of neuropsychological assessment in the diagnosis of MCI. In this context, the crucial questions are which cognitive domains are relevant to investigate, which tests are relevant, what kind of norms have satisfactory quality, which cut-off scores do best balance sensitivity and specificity in a neurodiagnostic context, and what kind of conclusions and recommendations can be drawn from neuropsychological findings.


  • Klinische PsychologInnen
  • PsychologInnen


  • Prof. Erik Hessen


Professor Erik Hessen Professor, Clinical Neuropsychologist, Department of Neurology, Akershus University Hospital, Oslo

Creditability to the curriculum
Neuropsychologische Störungsbilder (1 UE) Neuropsychologische Diagnostik (1 UE)

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